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Posts Tagged ‘japan roller coaster

MT. FUJI – Wanderlust

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There’s something surreal about plunging down one of the world’s longest roller coaster with Mt. Fuji as your backdrop, or trying to scream politely (like my japanese neighbors) while being chased by zombies in the never-ending house of terror. (If AMC’s The Walking Dead came to life, I would be one of the firsts to go – sadly, from fright!)  House rules were given in the mother tongue leaving us in the dark (pun intended).

But nothing compares to the surrealism of catching a fiery red sunset as we coasted down the side of the Shy Maiden, who wears a cloak of clouds most of the time. We lucked out this day. We saw her as clear as the moon (who also made an appearance.)

One thing I’ll always remember for the rest of my life is the sunset – the color so fierce like the yolk from a preserved duck egg, it’s size and orange-red brightness punching my eyes, causing tear ducts to swell.

from 5th station:

one of THE best thing i ate (from an altitude of 2300 meters) : scallop jerky

the sun and the moon: